movement to legalize slot online in texas?

LRS writes:

Is there a current movement in the Texas legislature to legalize poker? I mean, they have horse racing and the lottery. If not, who can I write to?

None that I know of, at least not in any organized fashion. If free public poker tournaments with prizes are deemed illegal by the D.A., I’m going to organize something, or at least hook interested folks up with someone who has enough time on their hands to make a difference since I may not be that person.

In the meantime, if you’d like to talk to a legislator about legalizing slot online I’d recommend you start with your local state representative. Contact them, set up some time to speak, or send a slot online letter explaining why you think poker should be legalized in Texas (or whatever state you happen to live in, if elsewhere). And post your experiences here!

new gambling stock photo site

Cut and Deal is a new stock photography site which is dedicated to poker and gambling-related images. It includes a series of photos of a poker-playing woman who bears a resemblance to a young Jennifer Harmon.

It’s interesting to watch the second- and third- level businesses crop up behind the explosion in poker’s popularity. I wonder how far we can get up Maslow’s hierarchy of poker needs 🙂

texans for poker

If the recent Texas poker activity has you looking for a way to champion the cause of poker in Texas, look no further. Stuart writes:

I have been pondering the need for an organization to champion the legalization of poker in Texas. Last night’s posting on your blog gave me the impetus to act.

I am creating an organization with the sole purpose of encouraging the Texas Legislature to legalize poker.

We will have an organizational election on January 31st, 2005.

empire poker trying to sponsor baseball?

It sounds like it may be a publicity stunt; it’s at least incredibly unlikely to happen, and hasn’t gotten a ton of press, but Empire Poker has offered to finance the Washington baseball franchise’s stadium. In exchange for a few small favors 🙂

All the company wants in return is naming rights to the team’s new field. And the exclusive right to all the signs inside the stadium. And, um, one other little thing: It wants to put Internet kiosks throughout the stadium so fans can play electronic poker before, during and after the game.

So, Washington would get baseball and hot dogs and box seats . . . and Texas Hold ‘Em?

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