• New York City winning369 Ulasan Kamar — Pengumuman Layanan Umum

    Meskipun sudah lebih dari setahun sejak ulasan terakhir saya, saya masih mendapatkan cukup banyak orang yang menemukan jalan mereka di sini mencari yang terbaru dan terbaik di NYC yang winning369. Sebagai layanan ke seluruh kota (dan lebih dari itu sendiri), inilah informasinya:

    Poker sudah mati di New York.

    NYPD telah melakukan “yang terbaik” untuk menutup setiap ruangan utama. Pada tulisan ini, ada kurang dari segelintir kamar poker yang sangat kecil (maks 1 atau 2 meja), sangat rahasia yang beroperasi di Manhattan. Saya tidak akan menyebutkan salah satu dari mereka di ruang ini, untuk menghormati profil rendah yang ingin dipertahankan oleh manajemen kamar tersebut.

    Saya juga ingin menegaskan kembali bahwa saya telah memiliki kebijakan tetap sekarang, selama lebih dari setahun, untuk tidak memberikan rujukan buta ke kamar NYC. Bukannya saya pikir winning369 ada di antara Anda polisi yang ingin menutup tempat-tempat ini — percayalah, saya yakin NYPD tahu di mana mereka berada — tapi lebih dari itu saya menghormati keputusan manajemen ruangan ini bukan untuk mencoba menjadi Mayfair atau Playstation berikutnya, yang merupakan tiket sekali jalan ke bust oleh NYPD.

    Maaf menjadi pembawa kabar buruk, tetapi Anda lebih baik naik bus ke Atlantic City.


    Saya tahu, saya tahu – saya berutang laporan perjalanan Vegas. Atau setidaknya, upaya setengah hati pada laporan perjalanan Vegas. Sayangnya, saya memiliki perjalanan selama seminggu yang akan datang ke Kota Malaikat yang mendekat dengan cepat pada hari Sabtu, dan saya tenggelam di bawah pimpinan Itu Yang Tidak Dapat Dinamakan (tetapi banyak dari Anda tahu apa itu). Semoga saya beruntung – saya mungkin berada di bawah air selama sisa bulan Juli.

    P.S. Selamat kepada Ryan dan Zeem di kursi Acara Utama mereka!

    Saya pikir Anda tahu untuk siapa saya mendukung. Sampai jumpa di Mandalay sports book jam 11 pagi pada hari Minggu, sebagai pengganti pertandingan sepak bola *Amerika* tradisional di Mandalay sports book yang biasanya ditonton pada hari Minggu pagi selama pertemuan blogger bulan Desember.

    REPOST: Vegas Moments: Pikiran Terakhir

    Saya awalnya memposting yang berikut ini pada 19 Desember 2005, setelah kembali dari pertemuan blogger poker kedua saya, Klasik Musim Dingin 2005 di Istana Kekaisaran. Jika Anda keluar bersama kami, luangkan beberapa saat untuk membaca posting ini!

    Di sinilah kita, seminggu kemudian, di akhir salah satu laporan terpanjang yang pernah saya tulis tentang perjalanan apa pun. Ini membuat pos nomor lima. Anda mungkin memperhatikan bahwa hanya satu dari mereka yang memiliki konten poker “nyata” di dalamnya, yang mungkin sedikit membuat penasaran. Asumsi alami, jika Anda belum pernah ke salah satu pertemuan ini sebelumnya, adalah bahwa poker akan memainkan peran sentral dalam perjalanan. Lagi pula, kita semua adalah blogger poker, bukan?

    Masalahnya, poker hanyalah sarana untuk mencapai tujuan di pertemuan-pertemuan ini. Ini adalah cara untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama ketika kita perlu istirahat dari semua pesta, mabuk-mabukan, dan konfirmasi sampah yang terjadi. Banyak dari kita tidak membutuhkan Vegas untuk poker langsung — kita bisa masuk ke permainan poker langsung hampir setiap hari (atau setidaknya akhir pekan) sepanjang tahun. Kasino perahu sungai, kasino tongkang, kasino India, kasino Atlantic City, dan lumbung kartu California semuanya menyediakan kesempatan itu.

    Pergi ke salah satu pertemuan blogger ini dan menghabiskan seluruh waktu Anda bermain poker seperti memesan ikan todak di restoran steak. Ya, Anda mendapatkan apa yang Anda inginkan, tetapi Anda melewatkan kesepakatan yang sebenarnya. Jika Anda menghabiskan seluruh waktu Anda bermain kartu, Anda tidak bisa mendengarkan Ayah berbicara tentang berapa berat vagina paus biru. Anda tidak bisa membalas tembakan Southern dengan Al. Dan Anda tidak bisa merokok berantai dengan Iggy sambil mengejek putri-putri koboi mabuk. Anda dapat menghabiskan setiap hari sepanjang tahun bermain poker, tetapi seberapa sering Anda mendapat kesempatan untuk mengejek rambut G-Rob?

    Saya harus adil. Pemain poker kompetitif dalam diri saya (dan saya pikir, banyak dari kita) tidak dapat melewati empat hari penuh di tempat seperti Vegas tanpa bermain setidaknya sedikit poker “nyata”, terutama ketika meja terlihat seperti sedang berenang. ikan. Itu seperti meminta Pauly dan Grubby untuk tidak mengunjungi klub tari telanjang pada malam saat penari telanjang memberikan tarian putaran gratis. Tidak akan terjadi.

    Ketika dorongan kompetitif untuk mengalahkan ikan itu mengangkat kepalanya, terlalu mudah untuk melupakan interaksi sosial yang menakjubkan yang terjadi di sekitar kita di acara-acara ini. Itu sebabnya terkadang kita hanya perlu melipat tangan, mengumpulkan chip, dan bangkit dari meja. Tahun ini saya berkata pada diri sendiri bahwa saya akan mendengarkan interaksi itu lebih dari yang saya lakukan tahun lalu. Tahun lalu, saya masuk dan keluar kota tanpa sepatah kata pun kepada sebagian besar blogger lain. Sial, beberapa orang bahkan tidak menyadari bahwa saya hadir sama sekali! Saya benar-benar berhasil mencapai tujuan saya tahun ini, tetapi membaca laporan perjalanan orang lain, saya masih merasa saya belum mencapai keseimbangan yang sempurna.

    Syukurlah, akan ada lebih banyak pertemuan di masa depan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan ini. Aku yakin itu. Kalian semua terlalu luar biasa untuk tidak ada.

  • String Acak dari Kemenangan winning369 Pikiran

    1. Brasil tidak pantas menang kemarin. Sangat mengecewakan melihat mereka kalah, tetapi saya angkat topi untuk tim Prancis karena memainkan permainan yang lebih baik di kedua ujung lapangan. Dan apakah hanya saya, atau apakah winning369 “jatuh” setiap kali dia menyentuh bola? Memalukan.

    2. Inggris kalah dalam adu penalti lagi dan saya harus tertawa. Ada kesenangan tertentu yang didapat dari menyaksikan salah satu negara sepakbola utama mendapatkan harapannya setiap empat tahun, membuat timnya maju ke babak penyisihan, dan kemudian kalah. Salah satu situs berita yang saya baca saat saya mengikuti Piala memposting berita gembira kecil ini minggu lalu:

    Tapi siapa yang kita bercanda? Kami telah mengejar bacaan kami. Yakni, When Saturday Comes edisi terbaru, zine sepak bola yang cerdas dan lucu dari Inggris. Di sampul edisi Piala Dunia ini, yang diterbitkan sesaat sebelum turnamen dimulai, adalah foto striker Inggris Michael Owen dan Theo Walcott ini, lengkap dengan balon kata yang sesuai. kenabian? Mungkin. Bagian dari editorial ini tentu memiliki nada nubuat:

    “Inggris, sementara itu, sering kali tidak bisa merebut bola kembali dari Paraguay – dan ketika mereka melakukannya, mereka tidak akan mampu menahannya untuk lebih dari dua operan. Meskipun entah bagaimana meraih kemenangan 1-0 yang sangat membosankan, mereka pada akhirnya akan melanjutkan pertandingan. kalah dengan cara yang cukup terhormat dari tim layak pertama yang mereka temui, seperti pada tahun 1998, 2002 dan Euro 2004.”

    Sekali lagi: hahahahahaha.

    3. Sebuah cerita yang hampir luput dari perhatian saya: Tour de France dimulai kemarin, hanya beberapa jam setelah pebalap yang finis ke-2 hingga ke-5 di Tour tahun lalu diskors karena tuduhan doping. Seperti dilansir New York Times:

    Dua pembalap yang dianggap favorit untuk memenangkan Tour tahun ini termasuk di antara mereka yang diskors: Jan Ullrich dari Jerman, juara Tour tahun 1997, runner-up lima kali dan finis ketiga tahun lalu; dan Ivan Basso dari Italia, yang berada di urutan kedua tahun lalu dan memenangkan Giro d’Italia, perlombaan multihari nomor 2 olahraga tersebut, pada bulan Mei. Dua pebalap top lainnya – Francisco Mancebo dari Spanyol dan Alexander Vinokourov dari Kazakhstan, yang finis keempat dan kelima di Tour tahun lalu – juga tidak ikut. Mancebo diskors oleh timnya, dan Vinokourov kalah ketika Astana mengundurkan diri Jumat.

    Ini membawa saya ke pertanyaan saya: bagaimana dengan Lance Armstrong? Apakah Anda memberi tahu saya bahwa dia SANGAT bagus sehingga, satu-kacang dan semuanya, dia bisa mengalahkan empat orang yang finis ke-2 hingga ke-5, semuanya menggunakan doping?

    Ini adalah warisan disayangkan doping dalam olahraga apapun — bersepeda, bisbol, bahkan sepak bola. Tindakan tidak pantas dari beberapa orang memperluas momok ketidakpantasan atas olahraga secara keseluruhan. Sementara saya ingin percaya bahwa Armstrong “bersih”, naluri saya memberi tahu saya bahwa tidak mungkin dia mengalahkan keempat orang itu sendirian. Tipe kepribadian alfa ini benar-benar didorong oleh kebutuhan untuk tetap kompetitif. Pada titik tertentu, kebutuhan itu menguasai logika dan alasan dan penggunaan zat peningkat kinerja menjadi dirasionalkan oleh pemikiran seperti “Saya harus bersaing dengan pria X yang mungkin doping” dan “Yah, ini tidak ada dalam daftar terlarang zat sehingga pasti berarti tidak apa-apa untuk saya gunakan.”

    Dalam kasus Armstrong, masalah apakah dia menggunakan doping selama rangkaian kemenangan Tour de France yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya mungkin tidak akan pernah diselesaikan secara definitif. Beberapa orang akan mencoba — saya tidak bisa menganggap serius laporan / tuduhan di Le Monde saat ini karena mereka tampaknya sangat ingin menghancurkan reputasi Armstrong karena penghinaan kecil bahwa dia orang Amerika — tetapi pada akhirnya bersepeda, seperti bisbol, perlu berkonsentrasi di sini dan sekarang dan membersihkan olahraga mereka untuk memastikan tingkat lapangan bermain sebaik mungkin bagi peserta di masa depan.

    4. Sampai jumpa di Vegas dalam empat hari.

  • great news for jacksonville slot onlain players

    The St. Johns Greyhound Park is making a huge investment in poker!

    A 30-table slot onlain room will open by the end of February at St. Johns Greyhound Park after a change in state law made the venture potentially more profitable.

    Jacksonville Greyhound Racing is spending $750,000 to open the 14,000-square-foot card room, which will operate Wednesdays through Mondays from noon until midnight, said Howard Korman, president.

    This is a direct result of the new Florida legislation allowing “large stakes” games of up to $1-2 hold’em. That, combined with the immense popularity boost poker has seen recently, makes more Florida track poker rooms like this likely.

    you know poker is exploding…

    When Mike Sexton (host of World Poker Tour) gets more attention than Tiger Woods!

    Soon, a line of young men, asking for autographs and pictures, charged Sexton’s table. Before Sexton got to his meal, the waitress said something surprising.

    “Last week, Tiger Woods was sitting at slot online that table right next to you,” she said, “and none of these guys even approached him or wanted his autograph.”

    another college poker tournament gets huge crowd

    Especially close to my heart — the Penn Poker Club at the University of Pennsylvania, of which I was a founding member, drew 175 attendees for a free-entry hold’em tournament! The structure (which should guarantee legality in most U.S. states) could be used as a model for other schools:

    PokerRoom.com, an online forum to learn and play poker, provided the Penn Poker Club with $2,000 in cash prizes and 150 decks of cards detailed with the PokerRoom.com logo.

    Despite the lack of an entrance fee, a $3 donation to the Chess in Philadelphia Schools Initiative was suggested by Graeffe, president of the Penn Chess Club.

    The very first Penn Poker Championship was an unofficial event, held in a fraternity house in 1996. It consisted of four tournaments; I won one of them 🙂

    super bowl games

    Need some last-minute games for your super bowl party? Well, you’re in luck… here are the official love and casino war super bowl party games! The links go to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets of the games, ready to print and play.

    Super Bowl Bingo – every player gets a 5×5 bingo card with events that will occur, things that will be heard, and things that will be seen on TV during the superbowl (examples: Patriots rushing touchdown, “Play Action”, Previous superbowl footage shown). Every player puts in money, first bingo wins the pot! In the event of a tie, whoever first gets another bingo wins.

    Super Bowl Lotto – every player puts in $1 (or whatever you choose) and gets a card with a player’s name. Every time that player scores they win $1, every time that player has a possession they can give out drinks to other players.

    Super Bowl Prop Sheet – every player puts in money and fills out their picks for the “silly” super bowl proposition bets. Each pick is worth a certain amount of points, winner takes all.

  • Sure Win Blackjack Tips – A Casino Professional Reveals How to Win Togel Singapore

    Every casino will always have gamblers and players asking the 1000 year old question every other day and that is, “How to win at Blackjack.” The free blackjack tips that I am about to give will definitely blow your mind because it is so simple yet not thought about by amateurs.

    Doubling your bets for every loss bet –

    This is certainly Not a Blackjack system of playing! And I would not recommend it either! You must know that generally, tables have a limit for bets and also, you on the other hand have Slot Online a limit to how much you can spend! So, if you are already a millionaire and wants to progress to a billionaire through casino gambling, please leave the house now! Why would you even read this article in the first place? You should be enjoying yourself in casinos and win and lose happily!

    I have a true case of a friend who decided on doubling his bets and he lost $20,000 in consecutive bets! That should be a cause to rethink your chances of doubling your losses every time.

    Negative & Positive Progression System –

    This system requires much calculation on your part and thereby needs practice and alot at that! The ground rules for these free simple blackjack tips are that you must first set a limit on your maximum progression. The counting goes when you win, you place a 20 percent increase to your original bets and continue to do so. When you lose, you decrease by 20 percent. The rules are simple, but the quick calculations for every game takes much practice as the environment in casinos are a real hazard to begin with.

    The Two Way or Levels Progression System –

    This is a simple and should be followed system for amateurs and gamblers alike. The limits for the maximum and minimum bets must be set to stay true to this system. Let us say that when you win, you bet $200 and continue. When you lose, you reduce the sum of betting to $100 for example and continue until you win again. This is a very effective way to counter the fluctuations in decks of playing cards and sure beats the card counting strategies that card counters employ!

    The 1 – 3 – 2 – 6 or the 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 System –

    This odd but powerful sequence is as it says. Follow the number of bets set and follow through for every consecutive wins. If you lose, go back to one again and repeat the sequence. With this type of powerful blackjack strategy, you definitely know the secret to how to win blackjack is at your hands! Wrong! Think again! This strategy of consecutive 4 wins are not likely to happen most of the time! Some players uses the 1-3-2-4 system because it brings the total to 10 units for one complete cycle.

    There you go! The sure win slot online ways to how to win at blackjack with all the free blackjack tips that I had given will definitely put you in the lead among fellow gamblers in any casino table game. Feel free to view my other essays on blackjack strategy and casino gaming itself. Enjoy!

    If up to $2000 in a day’s gain is still not enough for your greed, then don’t go to this resource at blackjacksecrettips.com. Inside this website you will find – 8 unwritten, little-known rules that you

  • movement to legalize slot online in texas?

    LRS writes:

    Is there a current movement in the Texas legislature to legalize poker? I mean, they have horse racing and the lottery. If not, who can I write to?

    None that I know of, at least not in any organized fashion. If free public poker tournaments with prizes are deemed illegal by the D.A., I’m going to organize something, or at least hook interested folks up with someone who has enough time on their hands to make a difference since I may not be that person.

    In the meantime, if you’d like to talk to a legislator about legalizing slot online I’d recommend you start with your local state representative. Contact them, set up some time to speak, or send a slot online letter explaining why you think poker should be legalized in Texas (or whatever state you happen to live in, if elsewhere). And post your experiences here!

    new gambling stock photo site

    Cut and Deal is a new stock photography site which is dedicated to poker and gambling-related images. It includes a series of photos of a poker-playing woman who bears a resemblance to a young Jennifer Harmon.

    It’s interesting to watch the second- and third- level businesses crop up behind the explosion in poker’s popularity. I wonder how far we can get up Maslow’s hierarchy of poker needs 🙂

    texans for poker

    If the recent Texas poker activity has you looking for a way to champion the cause of poker in Texas, look no further. Stuart writes:

    I have been pondering the need for an organization to champion the legalization of poker in Texas. Last night’s posting on your blog gave me the impetus to act.

    I am creating an organization with the sole purpose of encouraging the Texas Legislature to legalize poker.

    We will have an organizational election on January 31st, 2005.

    empire poker trying to sponsor baseball?

    It sounds like it may be a publicity stunt; it’s at least incredibly unlikely to happen, and hasn’t gotten a ton of press, but Empire Poker has offered to finance the Washington baseball franchise’s stadium. In exchange for a few small favors 🙂

    All the company wants in return is naming rights to the team’s new field. And the exclusive right to all the signs inside the stadium. And, um, one other little thing: It wants to put Internet kiosks throughout the stadium so fans can play electronic poker before, during and after the game.

    So, Washington would get baseball and hot dogs and box seats . . . and Texas Hold ‘Em?

  • sanghoki software crashes

    On the 28th of August 2007, the sanghoki software encountered a critical error, and crashed for a short period of time. This meant that the players connected to the software and sitting down at the tables were unable to play, and had to leave any hands or tournaments that they were involved in at the time.

    This may sound like a huge problem, especially if you are involved in a large MTT and are reaching the final stages. Imagine playing well for hours on end to have your progress at the tables wiped out by an error on the PokerStars side? Fortunately however, PokerStars has a good policy in place to help protect such players that are doing well in the middle of tournaments.

    If you are in a tournament, the total prize pool will be split into two sections, and dealt back out to the players depending on how well they were doing at the time. The one half of the prize pool will be split equally between the players remaining in the tournament, whilst the other half will be split depending on how many chips you had in your stack in relation to the total chips in play. Below is a message explaining what took place in a $30+$3 MTT tournament after the PokerStars software crashed:

    PokerStars Tournament #59096438, No Limit Hold’em

    Buy-In: $30.00/$3.00

    465 players

    Total Prize Pool: $13950.00

    Tournament started – 2007/08/28 – 23:00:00 (ET)

    Dear *** **,

    Tournament #59096438 has been cancelled due to technical reasons.

    When a tournament is cancelled before players are in the money, we refund

    each player their tournament fee, and then divide up the prize pool based

    on the following formula:

    – 50% of the award pool distributed evenly between remaining players

    – 50% of the award pool distributed proportionally according to the chip


    At the time of cancellation there were 323 player remaining, and your chip

    count was 3,245. Total chips in play were 697,500.

    Prize pool to be divided equally: $13,950.00/2 = $6,975.00

    Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: $13,950.00/2 = $6,975.00

    Your share in money equally divided: $6,975.00/323 = $21.59

    Your share based on chip count: $6,975.00 x (3,245/697,500) = $32.45

    Your entry fee refunded: $3.00

    Total money refunded to your account: $57.04

  • alaskaslot Player Hits A $200,000 Jackpot!

    55-year-old alaskaslot casino and poker player, Howard G. of Houston, Texas was playing “Victory” slots in the Bodog casino when the reels spun and revealed four “captains” and a “ship.” Acting as a wild card, the “ship” was the equivalent of five “captains,” which paid out 10,000 credits and, at $5 a line, earned Howard an impressive $50,000.

    Howard then made his big score on a free spin which turns any “ship” into a four times multiplier. This turned his impressive $50,000 win into an incredible $200,000 jackpot!

    Bodog’s entertainment blog interviewed the $200,000 online casino slot jackpot winner, who said “It just happened game penghasil uang pretty fast. I barely reacted. I just saw all those dollars start to pile up there really fast.” When asked about the entire experience, he said, “It was pretty amazing.”

    Howard isn’t the only lucky Bodog Casino player to strike it big in recent months. In May, Joseph V. of Florida hit the “Let ‘Em Ride” monster hand, a royal flush, cashing in on the progressive jackpot worth an amazing $196,468. In April, Rosemary D. of New York nailed the “Pinatas” slots progressive jackpot, which paid out $133,112.

    In March, Richard M. of South Carolina took down two huge wins, including $115,219 in Caribbean Stud Poker and $17,438 in Tri-Card Poker, earning him a total payday worth $132,657.

    Bodog’s biggest Casino jackpot winner of 2008, Thomas R. of California, hit the mother load in February, cashing in on the progressive jackpot for the “Food Fight” slots, earning Thomas a staggering $473,595!

    Will a lucky poker blogger be the next Bodog player to win a MEGA jackpot? ….

    Bodog Poker Releases New Resizable Beta Client

    Bodog Poker is happy to announce to poker bloggers the most secure and enjoyable online gaming experience possible with the release of their new and improved, resizable beta client for public testing.

    This newest version features full screen mode, resizable tables, embedded chat and game details and on-demand player tools. Download the Bodog Poker Beta for Free.

    We encourage feedback from poker bloggers as future versions will reflect the input received from all players. With every update, each beta version of the Bodog Poker client can be run independently, giving players the ability to choose between the established and beta clients during each session.

    These new features are just another step in Bodog’s on-going online poker evolution. Players can look forward to much more in the future.

    Here’s what the Bodog poker player gets with the new and improved beta version:

    full screen mode

    resizable game play windows

    embedded chat and game details

    on demand player tools – chat game details, stats, notes, profiles, tournament details

  • How to use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on your favorite topics

    Discord servers are online communities where people can come together to chat about their favorite topics. There are Discord servers for just about every topic imaginable, from video games to books to politics. You can use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on your favorite topics, get involved in discussions, and make new friends. Discord servers are online communities that are based around a certain topic. People join Discord servers to chat about their shared interests. There are Discord servers for just about every topic imaginable, from video games to books to politics.

    Discord servers can help you stay up-to-date on your favorite topics by giving you a place to discuss those topics with others who are interested. When you join a Discord server, you can get involved in discussions, ask questions, and learn from others who are passionate about the same things you are. You can also use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in your favorite topics.

    What are some of the best Discord servers for staying up-to-date on your favorite topics?

    There are literally thousands of Discord servers out there, so it can be tough to know which ones are the best. Here are a few of our favorites:

    /r/announcements – This Discord server is dedicated to announcements from Reddit. You can stay up-to-date on all the latest news and developments from Reddit, and get involved in discussions about the topics you care about.

    /r/games – This Discord server is dedicated to video games. You can stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the gaming world, and get involved in discussions about your favorite games.

    /r/news – This Discord server is dedicated to news. You can stay up-to-date on the latest news from around the world, and get involved in discussions about the topics you care about.

    /r/technology – This Discord server is dedicated to technology. You can stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the tech world, and get involved in discussions about your favorite topics.

    How can you join a Discord server?

    Joining a Discord server is easy! All you need is a Discord account and an invite to the server you want to join. You can get an invite to a server by asking a friend who is already a member, or by searching for the server on the internet. Once you have an invite, simply click on the link and you will be taken to the server. When you join a server, you can get involved in discussions, ask questions, and learn from others who are passionate about the same things you are. You can also use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in your favorite topics.


    Discord servers are online communities where people can come together to chat about their favorite topics. There are Discord servers for just about every topic imaginable, from video games to books to politics. You can use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on your favorite topics, get involved in discussions, and make new friends.

  • How to use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on your favorite topics

    Discord servers are online communities where people can come together to chat about their favorite topics. There are Discord servers for just about every topic imaginable, from video games to books to politics. You can use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on your favorite topics, get involved in discussions, and make new friends. Discord servers are online communities that are based around a certain topic. People join Discord servers to chat about their shared interests. There are Discord servers for just about every topic imaginable, from video games to books to politics.

    Discord servers can help you stay up-to-date on your favorite topics by giving you a place to discuss those topics with others who are interested. When you join a Discord server, you can get involved in discussions, ask questions, and learn from others who are passionate about the same things you are. You can also use Discord servers to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in your favorite topics.

    What are some of the best Discord servers for staying up-to-date on your favorite topics?

    There are literally thousands of Discord servers out there, so it can be tough to know which ones are the best. Here are a few of our favorites:

    /r/announcements – This Discord server is dedicated to announcements from Reddit. You can stay up-to-date on all the latest news and developments from Reddit, and get involved in discussions about the topics you care about.

    /r/games – This Discord server is dedicated to video games. You can stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the gaming world, and get involved in discussions about your favorite games.

    /r/news – This Discord server is dedicated to news. You can stay up-to-date on the latest news from around the world, and get involved in discussions about the topics you care about.

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  • Frustrating as Slot Demo Hell

    This game can be easy, and it can be not so easy. The short-run randomness that dictates how kind the cards are plays a huge role in that. Skill and ability to adhere to a plan does as well, but to a lesser extent. Tonight, and the several nights preceding, the game has felt very hard. I just can’t get started, can’t get any traction in these 2/4 games. I take a few crappy beats, make one or two mistakes, and find myself 30, 50, 80 bucks in the hole quickly. I fight and fight and fight, and 400 hands later maybe I’m almost even or something like that.

    And the thing is, these bouts of poor Slot Demo to break-even results are bound to happen, especially to a player that has run hot over long stretches of time as I have in recent weeks/months. Mathematically, this is just something that is going to occur, and the better you handle it, the better off you’ll be as a player. Personally, I rate my handling about a C+/B-… effective, but not exemplary by any means.

    Its the boredom. The pain of seeing horrible players scoop tons of pots. Of folding Q4o for what seems like the 5 billionth time. Winning only the blinds when you raise in MP with KK or AA. Whiffing with AKs constantly. And of course of missing with your flopped four flushes every time. You know you’re on the right path, but man do you feel lost from time to time while navigating it.

    So anyhow, I’m in this rut. Not losing big or anything… had a -$30 night on Friday, and am on course to do another version of that tonight if things don’t turn around (currently 470 hands, -$55). Like I said, I’ve expected these nights to come. I handle them well enough. But that doesn’t mean they don’t feel like shit anyhow.

    *end of session note: finished down $15… was within $0.50 of even, dealt AA, and of course had it craked by 88 when a T fell on the river (board Q94J rainbow prior to then). Whatever. So help me God I’m going to destroy the fish on Party this week. I need some mo for the pending trip to Vegas.


    I am honestly nearing my untilted wit’s end. I haven’t done it yet, but I am going to go absolutely ballistic if things keep up the way they have been. Set over set, and in particular runner-runner. Two outers. All that jazz, as they say in the movie Chicago.

    The instant I sit down, I get drilled in the noggin with a 2×4, it seems. I get a nice hand, and whiff. Or worse, draw to a hand (I hold AJ, board is 3337 one bet flop and turn, river my J, only to lose to slowplayed AA, by a guy with VP$IP of 48).

    It is infuriating. But so far, I haven’t lost my cool.

    Just after posting the message above, this happened:

    $2/$4 Hold’em – Monday, December 06, 19:26:38 EDT 2004

    Table Deal Quick (Real Money)

    Dealt to NegativeEV_ [ Ad Qc ]


    UTG raises, 2 folds, Hero 3-bets, 2 folds, Button calls, SB calls, BB folds, UTG calls.

    Flop [ 4h, 6c, 3c ]

    SB checks, UTG bets, Hero calls, Button raises, SB folds, UTG calls, Hero calls.

    Turn [ Ac ]

    UTG checks, Hero bets, Button calls, UTG folds.

    River [ 7h ]

    Hero checks, Button checks.

    NegativeEV_ shows [ Ad, Qc ] a pair of aces.

    Rmarotti shows [ 5c, 5d ] a straight, three to seven.

    Rmarotti wins $44 from the main pot with a straight, three to seven.

    That’s 8 outs… heads up. I’m an 81% favorite (see below). I mean, yes, shit happens, and yes, I’m going to lose that about one time in 5, but I guess what I’m saying is it really hurts when all of those longshots come in one after another, well above and beyond the usual slings and arrows of low limit no fold’em. Folks, hear me out. I know low limit well enough (more than 20K hands in my PT). I know how to handle the losses. But this is on a whole different level. Its maddening


    pokenum -h ad qc – 5c 5d — 4h 6c 3c ac

    Holdem Hi: 44 enumerated boards containing Ac 6c 3c 4h

    cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV

    Qc Ad 36 81.82 8 18.18 0 0.00 0.818

    5c 5d 8 18.18 36 81.82 0 0.00 0.182

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